Introduction to Scouting is simply that, an introduction to Scouting for every youth member in every section.
It is a discussion and not a test. This discussion may take place over a number of weeks, or in one go. It's important for the discussion to occur as part of experiencing the program first hand. The discussion should be lead by the Patrol Leader and assisted by the Section Leader.
In the beginning a new youth member may know very little about the Scout Organisation, which is perfectly fine. This discussion is to aid their growth and understanding of Scout Organisation. As their knowledge grows, they will truly understand the global impact Scouting has on a Group, District, Branch, National and International Level. Welcome to the largest Youth Organisation on Planet Earth.
In general the Introduction to Scouting discussion should include topics such as ......
As a youth member's journey continues an Introduction to Section welcomes them to their new Section.
Knowledge learnt through the Introduction to Section is very specific to that Section it allows for continuous growth and development as knowledge blocks build upon their foundation and understanding of the Organisation as a whole.
The Introduction to Section outlines their Achievement Pathway, expectations and the way the Section operates. As they progress through each Section their opportunity for growth, development and experience increases as the youth begin to take full ownership of their Program as a Section, and achievement as an individual. As with everything in life, the more a youth member immerses themselves in everything the Scout Organisation has to offer, the more they will grow, develop and benefit from the experience.
In general the Introduction to Scouting discussion should include topics such as ......
The best measure of a successful program is whether all the Scouts involved are achieving the Milestones.
This means all Scouts are actively involved in a diverse program and are developing their leadership skills through experience. Scouts will be engaged in a mix of all the Challenge Areas while sharing assisting and leading opportunities. If a Scout finishes their Participates in one Milestone, they can start on their Participates on the next Milestone even if they haven't finished their Assist or Leads.
With the guidance of the SPICES, towards the end of a Milestone the Scout will discuss their development with a youth leader and personally reflect on what they have achieved.
The only standard held for the Program Essentials is the individual's best, with the ultimate aim of them developing & improving at a personal level. The biggest achievement isn't the badge itself, but the personal progression that's occured!
The Outdoor Adventure Skills incorporate the entire Scouting Program encouraging participation and engagement from all sections and all youth members. There are no age restrictions on achievement, except where required by Australian legal framework.
The Outdoor Adventure Skills present a number of the most popular outdoor pursuits challenging youth members to further advance and develop their abilities and capabilities through each Outdoor Adventure Skill.
Each skill is split into nine Stages, with each Stage involving a series of competencies. As youth members progress through the stages some Outdoor Adventure Skills split into streams allowing youth members to focus on specific skills.
The nine Outdoor Adventure Skills are split into ......
The Special Interest Areas are designed to be adopted to meet the different developmental needs of each individual Scout. They open up opportunities for Scouts to develop their experiences, skills and knowledge in an Area they're really interested in. The six Areas are the same for each Section, however a Special Interest Area completed by a Scout from one section will normally involve different challenges that the same Special Interest Area completed in another Section.
It's important that Scouts are challenged and progress to a reasonable level based on their capabilities. It's up to the Unit leadership team, or, Unit Council to help make sure Scouts are challenged appropriately.
With a focus on SPICES, the Scout is to choose a Special Interest Area that interests them and through the process of goal setting create a personal achievement pathway. If they do not reach all their goals, this doesn't necessarily mean that they haven't completed the Special Interest Area.
Each Youth Section has an individual Peak Award. The pinnacle within that Section. An achievement that fully challenges the youth member to extend their own comforts and develop through goal setting, perseverance, patience, participation and organisation.
Recognised within the Scout Association and the Community as a very high achievement, Peak Awards are not for every Scout. While the Peak Awards will motivate and inspire a number of youth, others may choose to focus on singular areas of SPICES like .... Social, Physical or Intellectual, which is fine.
Any Peak Award path MUST BE 100% self-motivated. Any youth who wants to achieve their Peak Award should talk to their Unit Leadership Team, or, Unit Council and personally set an achievable pathway slightly beyond their current abilities. The Peak Award is something to aspire to and requires dedication to Scouting over a number of years offering each youth the opportunity to growth, learn, develop and lead through our unique Scouting Method.
Throughout their Scouting Journey all Scouts have a variety of opportunities to learn and growth through a wide and diverse range of programs. As they move through the achievement pathways, all Scouts are expose to new experiences, some in detail while others offer a brief introduction.
Scouts who would like to further challenge and extend themselves are able to tap into Additional Awards, Awards that focus on individual topics allowing each Scout to excel and extend themselves within their chosen topic.
Operating radios, paddling, camping, bushwalking, learning a language, Landcare, the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme, First Aid, Environment, flying, SES, Global Projects, Local Projects, war history and helping younger Sections are all Additional Awards that can help extend a Scout in all the SPICES areas as they move through their Scouting Journey.
Learn more about the Additional Awards available to further challenge all Scouts ......