The Foundation of the Organisation. The Joey Section are our youngest youth members full of enthusiasm, energy and a desire to learn, which leads our Joeys to completely immerse themselves in their Scouting Journey.
The Joey Scout Challenge is the Peak Award for the Joey Section. Highlighting an understanding of the Scouting Movement and the ability to complete challenges, a Joey who achieves this Award has been fully introduced to the Scouting way. Throughout their Joey Scout Challenge a Joey has demonstrated a willingness to help other people - within their Unit, their home, the community and beyond - while also developing their own unique Scouting Skills.
The Joey Scout Challenge sets a solid foundation for a Joeys Scouting Journey.
Cubs look for adventure, challenge and opportunities to experience the outdoors while nurturing a unique skill set that will help them contribute to the world with a positive outcome to be the best they can be.
The Grey Wolf Award is the Peak Award for the Cub Section. Challenging the Cubs to grow through Scouting experiences the Grey Wolf Award introduces a Cub to a large variety of opportunities and tasks that allows them to grow through experiential learning. This Award also begins to develop leadership skills. Through this Award Cubs are required to accept responsibilities, contribute to Unit planning, activities, programs and outdoor experiences as well as plan, implement & evaluate an outdoor journey.
The Grey Wolf Award helps build confidence and communication skills within a Cub Scout.
As the Scouting Journey continues the opportunities and challenges grow. Scouts begin to define and walk their own path as they begin to grow socially, physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually as a character through exploration, discovery and enhanced experiential education.
The Australian Scout Award is the Peak Award for the Scout Section. Through the delivery of adventurous, fun, challenging and inclusive programs created and lead by Scouts, the Australian Scout Award helps elevate a Scout to learn new skills, connect with the outdoors, enhance friendships and help create a better world. Achieving the Australian Scout Award is not about receiving a badge it's about the personal growth that has occurred through leadership, teamwork, initiative, tenacity and dedication.
The Australian Scout Award helps create youth direction and begins to define leadership.
Australian Scout Award Pathway
The final Youth Section of the Scout Association is Rovers. Youth aged 18 - 26 are Rovers and enjoy a variety of Scouting events, challenges and experiences throughout their journey.
The Baden-Powel Award is the Peak Award for the Rover Section ... the final and highest Peak Award a youth member can achieve. With a focus on Service and Community, many Rovers simultaneously give back to the Scout Association by being Leaders and helping implement events, activities and experiences for the younger Sections. While guided in the right direction, Rover Units are fully responsible for all aspects of Scouting for the Unit & the individual.
The Baden-Powell Award defines personal growth and challenges the individual to further define themselves as a member of the Scout Association as well as a member of society. The Award brings with it the responsibility of maturity, experience and being a role model to others.
As a volunteer organisation the Scout Association offers an extensive and inclusive training program for adults. Participating in this program prepares adults and instils confidence within them to inspire young people through creative, challenging, engaging, inclusive and age-appropriate programs and experiential opportunities.
The Wood Beads is an Award for adults and once completed welcomes them as a member of the 1st Gilwell Park Scout Group. Acknowledged and recognised throughout the Global Scouting Community, Wood Beads identifies an adult who has a unique set of skills designed to assist and support youth throughout their Scouting Journey. The Wood Beads Pathway involves a commitment to core Scout Training. Throughout an adults Scouting Journey there are a variety of Adult Awards for service, dedication and commitment to youth & the organisation.
Each Scouting Section has Wood Beads specific training opportunities for all leaders.
The History of the Gilwell Scarf and Wood Beads